Chapter 5:

When to Give Up On An Ex and Move On


In this chapter, we look at some of the things that may signal the end of your relationship. As much as you want your ex back, there comes a time when you have to move on.

Ø Should you move on or not?
Ø How can you know that your ex is never coming back?

It is good to be realistic. You may do all things possible to try and rekindle your love but nothings seem to work out. You may not even need to do any of these things to realize that your ex won’t come back. When this happens, you just need to accept this and move on.

When To Quit

Non- Responsive Exes

Unfortunately, there are times when your ex may make up their minds that they are done with you and there’s nothing that you can do about this. When this happens, you need to know that it’s time to move on. If your ex won’t give you a chance to even talk to them no matter what you do, you may need to just go your separate way. You should give your ex some space but if it’s been months and you still haven’t heard from them, then it’s time to move on.

Your Ex Has Moved On

There is a difference between a rebound relationship and seriously moving on. If it has been months since you broke up and your ex is already seeing someone new, then let it go. This is especially important when the ex gets married. There are people who cling to a lost love even up to this point. They try to convince themselves that the ex can’t possibly be happy with another person no matter what happens. This isn’t healthy, you have to move and give yourself chance to love someone else.

If your ex has moved on, let them go.


There are times when your ex may be so angry that they turn violent. This isn’t a good sign. If you try and talk to your ex and realize that they are still very angry at you, maybe you should give them some space. If they threaten you, you need to get away from them. Anger is a common response especially when one of the exes is accused of cheating. Some people take their anger too far and may even become violent.

If You Realize That They Only Want Sex

There are exes who keep having an intimate relationship even after they break up. If you want your ex back because you love him/her avoid having a physical relationship. However, if you realize that they just want to sleep with you but now get back together then this your cue to leave.

If an ex just wants sex, then maybe you should just move on now.

Wrapping up

Breakups can be tough. It’s normal to react in any way that can help you deal with the pain. You may decide to cry and wallow in your sadness thinking about what went wrong and how good things used to do. However, you can get back on your feet and start working on getting your ex back. It’s not easy to find love so don’t give up on someone that you love without a fight.

Are You Ready To Win Back Your Ex?

It’s ok if you still need some time to get yourself together and work on yourself. You have to ensure that you are absolute that you are absolutely ready to get your ex back. If you still harbor some anger or resentment, then you are not ready. If you are panicking and feeling at loss then you aren’t yet ready. Getting an ex back requires a good strategy that you can only work on if you are calm and collected and above all focused on your goals.

Why Did You Break Up?

It’s natural to want to leave the past behind and simply move forward. However, you can only do this once you have resolved your issues with your ex. Find out what went wrong then look for ways to fix this. You should also try and find ways to make sure that this doesn’t happen again once you make up.

Give Them Space

It is very important to respect your ex’s personal space. Don’t call or text them too frequently. You should also avoid pestering them. Give them space first before making your move.

Make Your Move

Don’t sit down and just wait for your ex to come back. They move on and you may; loose them forever. Make sure you come up with a plan to get your ex back. Stick to your plan no matter what. This will help you avoid ruining your progress. For instance, don’t get impatient and start pushing your ex as this may work against you.
Getting an ex back takes time and effort so don’t expect it to work within just three days. You also have to know that having them back isn’t the end. You still have to put in more effort to ensure that your relationship works this time.

Wish you all the best as you find love again!


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