Chapter 4:

How to Ensure That Your Ex Doesn’t Leave Again


In this chapter, you get some tips on how to ensure that your ex stays with you.



It’s not enough to just get your ex back. You need to have a plan on how to ensure that this makeup isn’t temporary. If you make the wrong moves, you may find yourself back at square one again.


How To Get Them To Stay




If you want to make your relationship work, you have to learn how to communicate effectively. There are reasons that you had broken up in the first place, this has to be discussed first. If you used to fight a lot, you have to sit and talk about your issues. Make sure that you are open with each other.


Lack of communication may very easily harbor some resentment. For instance, if someone cheated, then you can’t just ignore this. You have to discuss it and then settle things concerning this issue. Talk about any concerns that you have and share your feelings with your partner. If you have any questions, ask them this time. Don’t keep things to yourself since because partner can’t read your thoughts.


However, don’t keep bringing up the same issues once you have resolved them. If your ex admitted they were wrong and apologized, don’t keep trying to talk about this again and again. This will only bring more tension to the relationship and may actually make you drift apart again.


Communication is very important when you are trying to build a relationship. You have to keep in touch. Call each other and text frequently. This should be just like it was when you first started dating. If you have any issues, you should discuss them with your partner. Learn how to confide in them the same way, you would confide in your best friend. Shutting out your partner will strain your relationship and may actually make you two break-up again.


Spend Time Together


Once you get your ex back, you need to invest some time in rebuilding your relationship. You should spend time together. Remember, when you broke up, some damage was done to what you shared. Ignoring this will only make your relationship worse. You have to invest time in being with the person you love. If possible, you can get some time off and spend time together. You can even go on a short vacation together. This will help you in rebuilding your relationship.


When you are with your partner, give them all the attention. Don’t think about work, school or any other commitments. This is your time to work things out and build your relationship. You have to show your partner that you are ready to invest in your relationship and you are serious about being back with them.


You should always create enough time to spend together.




Spending time together is definitely healthy for your relationship. However, this doesn’t mean that you spend every minute together. You may be scared of losing your ex again. However, following them around will not help them stay with you.


You have to respect their personal space. Don’t try to smother them with your attention as this may push them away.


Learn To Trust Your Partner


One thing that can have your ex out of the door before they even unpack is mistrust. Nobody wants to be with someone who doesn’t trust them. No matter what may have happened to break you up in the first place, you have to work on trusting each other. You also have to forget whatever happened when you two broke up. Even if one of you was in a rebound relationship, you have to work through this.


Don’t spy on your ex by going through their cell phones. You shouldn’t try to cross on their personal space in the name of “looking for proof”.


Learn To Accept Your Ex


Your partner may have changed during your breakup. They may start doing things differently from what you are used to. If you really want to make your relationship work then you have to learn how to live with these new changes. Sometimes, the changes may be very minor like a new hobby or a haircut. There may also be a change in character such as quietness. Unless they are serious negative changes, you have to learn to accept them instead of trying to change your partner.


Avoid Unnecessary Arguments


Your relationship still needs some work to be done. You should, therefore, avoid arguments that may seem harsh or disrespectful. Try to put your points across respectfully instead of being harsh. During this time of rebuilding your relationship, a single fight can simply ruin everything again.




Intimacy is very important in any given romantic relationship. This can build or ruin a relationship. Try and meet your partner’s sexual needs. Even if you are still angry at them, give yourself enough time to heal then work on being intimate again. Keep things interesting in your relationship.


Being intimate is an important part of any romantic relationship.


Let Go Of The Past


It will not easy to just forget everything that happened. If words were said or actions were done that may have been hurtful, this needs to be forgiven and forgotten. You will not be able to rebuild your relationship and be happy together if at you are still bitter about the breakup.


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