Rekindling The Flame

The Surefire Guide To Winning Back Your Ex

Even If All Hope Is Lost

Chapter 1:

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Deciding to Rekindle Your love


When someone you love leaves you, you may immediately start thinking about how to get them back. However, this may not always be the right decision. In this chapter, we look at the factors that you should consider before trying to get your ex back.



Before moving on to the other chapters of this eBook, you should first take the time and consider this. Establish whether or not your relationship deserves a second chance.


The Basics

Was Your Relationship Abusive?

If you were in a relationship that was abusive in any way, then by all means, leave it alone and move on. You don’t need to be with someone like that. Many people are abusive relationships try to justify the abuse and so may try to make things work even when they are better off left alone. It doesn’t matter whether it was physical or verbal, anyone who abused you should be left alone. Even if they walked out on you, let them go.


Why Do You Want Your Ex Back?


You should always question your motives. Make sure that you are making the right decisions for the right reasons. If you want to get your ex back because you are still in love with them, then this is a good decision. If you are trying to get your ex back as a way to take revenge on them then this is not a good motive. For instance, there are people who try to get their exes back so that they can then leave them. This is normally aimed at making the ex feel what they felt when they were left.


You shouldn’t also try and get your exes back just because you have heard that they have moved on and are now dating someone new. Jealousy is not a good motive to try and get someone back.


Are You Afraid Of Being Alone?

 There are a number of people who can’t stand the thought of being alone. If you are such a person, you need to realize that this isn’t the right reason to try and get an ex back. This shows signs of insecurity that are not good. They can make you make the wrong decisions such as being with

the wrong person just because you don’t want to be on your own.

First, work on your insecurities and then establish your independence. Once you do this, then you can be able to establish whether or not you want your ex back for the right reasons.


Trying to get your ex back just because you don’t want to be alone isn’t wise.


Is Your Ex Dating Someone Else?


There are times when you just need to let go of an ex. If your ex moved on, then let them be. Trying to meddle in his/her new relationship will not work out well for you.

In addition, if your ex is married, then trying to come between these unions is just wrong on so many levels. If your ex has moved on, then let him or her be.


Don’t try to get your ex back simply because you have heard that they have moved on.


Does Your Ex Deserve A Second Chance?


You have to be honest with yourself. Not all exes deserve a second chance; others are just better off left alone. You have to seriously sit down and think about this. If your ex cheated on you, do you really want to take them back? These are the things that you should consider. There are times when you are just much better off alone than in some relationships.


Why Did You Break Up In The First Place?


You should never forget the reasons why you broke up in the first place. If these issues aren’t resolved then even if you manage to get back with your ex, you are likely to break up again. For instance, if you broke up because you were unhappy about how they treated you, you have to consider this. Do you really want to have a repeat of the same issues?


Are You Ready To Have Your Ex Back?


Sometimes exes need some time apart. If you broke up because you were constantly fighting, you need to take some time apart to first figure out whether or not you want to be together. Sometimes you should also take some time and work on your personal issues before trying to get your ex back.

For instance, if you had low self-esteem or any insecurity, work on building your confidence then you can try and get your ex back.


Think about the reasons that made your relationship fail in the first place.


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