Chapter 4:

Improving Yourself Physically


To a very high extent, love is influenced by your physicality. Nature has devised us in such a manner that we are impressed by a person’s looks. The initial spark of love is often dictated by how a person looks. However, you should not get the wrong meaning here.


Though your good looks are good enough as a starting point, they are not enough to sustain you in the long run. Eventually, it is the person you are that matters; your looks can only take you so far.


However, as a starting point, it is good to focus on your looks. You should not completely underestimate the importance of your physical self in attracting your paramour. That is going to happen. So, pay attention to your looks. Be vain, to a point!


Why Is Your Body Important?

 There are a lot of connotations to love. One of them is the purely physical one. After all, the basic meaning of love is still the physical act. And, this is triggered by the attraction… attraction towards how a person looks. We are all attracted to good-looking people, and that is where the very first flame starts to flicker. Most times, this kind of attraction is just infatuation, and that should not be mistaken as love. But, even when we are talking about the pure and sublime true love, the physical appeal does work!

But, even when we are talking about the pure and sublime true love, the physical appeal does work!


Scientists have unearthed various mysteries of the mechanism of love (though a lot of them still remain what they are—mysteries!) and among these mysteries we know of pheromones. All of us exude some hormones in the environment called as pheromones. These have no scent or any other mark, but they are inexplicably understood by people of the opposite sex. And it triggers some kind of response in them. This is why man is attracted to woman and vice-versa. It is the pheromones at work. And that is a purely physical thing.

All of us exude some hormones in the environment called as pheromones. These have no scent or any other mark, but they are inexplicably understood by people of the opposite sex. And it triggers some kind of response in them. This is why man is attracted to woman and vice-versa. It is the pheromones at work. And that is a purely physical thing.

And it triggers some kind of response in them. This is why man is attracted to woman and vice-versa. It is the pheromones at work. And that is a purely physical thing.


Now, though there is no relation between pheromones and a person’s visual attractiveness, that does seem to be the case. Otherwise, why else will some people be more of an opposite gender magnet and some would repel? At the same time, this is confusing. There are people who look quite plain but are always found with people of the opposite sex. And attractive people are sometimes found alone!

There are people who look quite plain but are always found with people of the opposite sex. And attractive people are sometimes found alone!


We do not know yet what this mechanism of physical attraction is, or how it works, but it seems best to play along with the majority. And the majority feels that they are physically attracted towards good-looking people.


It should not hurt you to improve the way you look. This is not objectification; it is the way nature has ordained us to be. After all, when we like to look at good-looking people, shouldn’t the equation work the other way round as well?


A part of your physical self-includes being healthy. You are sure to accept this… if you are healthy, you are more attractive to people. If you are fit and fine, people will want to be with you all the more. Why would anyone be sadistic enough to be with a sickly person anyway?


So, to sum it up, these are the things you should really focus on:-


Pay attention to these things closely. You may not be able to achieve all of these in a day, but do keep them up as a consistent process. Even when someone falls in love with you, you cannot stop doing these things. You owe it to your partner to keep looking good!


Tips to Improve Your Body


Now, you are probably not intending to become the most handsome or beautiful person in the world, but there are a few things you can do to improve your physical being.












Do these things consistently. Pay attention to your body and you will see that its attractiveness begins to increase. This is highly important.


When your body becomes attractive, you are automatically ‘in the eyes of people’. People cannot resist looking at you. Your goals of finding someone who finds you attractive are met!


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