Chapter 3:

Put Together A Daily Ritual



Starting the day on a positive note usually means the entire day will unfold in a positive way too. The positive mind set at the onset of a day plays a huge role in how the individual’s day will unfold and how the individual will cope with the events of the day.

Altering Actions

Most people indulge in a daily ritual before embarking on the day ahead. Some of these rituals may include the mind; some may focus on the body, while others would wisely focus on both the body and mind.


Those who are more spiritually in tuned would start the day by addressing this aspect of their life. Preparing the body and mind to reach and remain in a certain spiritual mind set allows the individual the luxury of facing the day with a strong spiritual conviction.


This will then provide the necessary strength and wisdom to work with all the challenges and possible circumstances that are like to unfold during the course of the day.


Others may opt to energize their coming daily activities and schedules with a good physical workout. Exercising regularly and ideally at the beginning of the day allows the body to recharge and revitalize after a good night’s rest.


Eating a hearty and healthy meal at the beginning of the day is always advisable. Most medical professional insist that this ritual be practiced without deviation as the first meal is very important in providing the energy for the rest of the day.


Other daily rituals may include having a set routine that is comfortable and less like to cause stress. Planning the day to ensure a smooth flow of activities is always better than running around aimlessly trying to get as many things done as possible. This is a good way to stay motivated as each thing scheduled for the day gets done quickly and effectively.


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