Chapter 5:

Do For Others


A good motto in life is to do unto others what you would like done unto you. This very real desire has many far reaching connotations. In trying to practice this motto one would be more aware of one’s own actions and how it affects others.




In realizing no man is an island; people acknowledge the fact that in order to have harmony other people’s feelings and thoughts must be considered. This will foster better ties between individual and as a group which in turn will create a harmonious and conducive environment.


Daily trying to be more aware of other people’s feeling also help an individual to be more sensitive to others and thus be less selfish. This is a good attribute to develop as people generally like being around those who are thoughtful and accommodating.


Always extending a helping hand is also another trait that is rather endearing. More often than not, people who are helpful will always be popular and an asset to have around.


There is also a sense of fulfillment when the hand to help is extended. By doing this it also inculcates the fact that a lot of people will be more than willing to help the individual if the need arises.


Showing a positive side is always a good thing as nobody wants to be unpleasant to someone who is polite, gentle, and giving. These virtues if practiced often enough will eventually reflect back onto the individual and thus cause other to do likewise.


Another popular saying is what goes around comes around is also similar in virtue to the above popular notion. When the example is set to do good those around will learn from this example and try to emulate the wonderful virtue. Thus more people will be more considerate and kind and the world will be a better place indeed.


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