Chapter 4:

Find Out Your Passions And Then Do That


Working on something that one is passionate about gives the mind and body that extra boost needed to get the task done well and with a feeling of complete satisfaction.

What Do You Love

 Discovering the single most important thing at the moment in an individual’s life and then working on it to bring it to fruitfulness will require a certain amount of passion to make it a success. But in doing so there is a certain amount of new vitality both in mind and in a spirit that brings out the energy and zest required to see the endeavor through.


Keeping as focused as possible is another way to find out what drives an individual. When there are fewer distractions around in the individual’s life, the ability to search with a focused mind what the individual is passionate about can be very beneficial.


This focused finding will also increase the chances of the individual embarking on the findings quickly and efficiently because of the level of passion involved.


If the task or endeavor proves to be a difficult one to undertake then the level of passion for the said activity will be what carries the individual to work on it until successful completion is achieved. Being passionate and staying passionate is the deciding factor on the merits of working on the project until completion, therefore this element is a very important ingredient in the makeup of success.


Trying many different things may also be one way of actually discovering what the individual is likely to be most passionate about. However, the danger here is that in trying too many different things the individual may end up doing nothing to completion at all. Therefore here again the element of passion plays a huge role in defining what is most enjoyable to the individual.


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