Table of Contents


The Importance Of Diet For Healthy Aging.

33 Anti-Aging Foods. 

Olive Oil 





Cold Water Fish & Seafood. 

Dark Chocolate. 




Other Berries. 

Fresh Raw Garlic. 

Leafy Greens. 


Swiss Chard. 




Soy Foods. 


Bell Peppers. 


Blood Oranges. 

Black Currants. 


Concord Grapes. 



Sweet Potatoes. 

Beans and Lentils.

Wheat Germ.. 


11 Anti-Aging Drinks. 


Lemon and Lime Juice. 

Cranberry Juice. 



Beet Juice. 



Orange Juice. 

Green Tea. 


Quick Tips. 

Caloric Intake. 

Reduce Unhealthy Fat Intake. 

Boost The Calcium.. 

Eat Clean. 

How Much Iron Do You Need?. 

Final Thoughts. 






The Importance Of Diet For Healthy Aging

Eating right provides your body with energy, fuel for your organs, and nutrients to maintain your health. In addition, it supports a healthy weight, which means you decrease your risk of type 2 diabetes, and other serious metabolic disorders, heart disease, aches, and pains of the joints, and the many other ailments that result from obesity. A healthy diet is key to enjoying good health and a longer life.

However, if only things were that easy and convenient. In today’s hectic lifestyle, we are juggling work and family with other responsibilities and so it is easy to forget to take care of ourselves.

We get hungry, and grab whatever is closest and takes the shortest amount of time to consume. Because we are so swamped and rushed, we lean towards the food that has the least nutritional value just to give our taste buds a quick fix. Therefore, we grab fast food and processed snacks draped in pretty wrappings and we’re done with it.

Then, the years start to add up and we feel sick, exhausted and worn out.

Our bodies have had enough and can’t keep up anymore and we begin to feel the toll of all our bad choices, and since technology has programmed us to never wait for anything, we search for a quick fix for to our exhaustion so we can quickly return to our busy schedules.

Therefore, we turn to “magic pills” and quick diet fixes hoping to make our health problems disappear forever. However, if we’re not careful, these quick fixes will definitely do more harm than good in the long run. They will take a further toll on our health and instead of feeling good quickly, things will start to go downhill pretty fast.

The good news is that there is a better, more effective way to be healthy, fit, and stay that way, the only catch is that it requires time, attention and consistency. That’s it! Think of it as an investment towards your health and you’ll reap the returns in enjoying vitality and good health as the years go by.

Growing old is inevitable, you can’t escape from it. However, by making smarter choices when it comes to what you eat and drink, you can add many years to your life.

In addition, while it’s true that there are numerous variables as to how we age, it has been scientifically proven that by following a healthy lifestyle that includes a well-balanced diet and regular exercise you can slow down the aging process and ward off lifestyle diseases, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and cancer.


33 Anti-Aging Foods

This list of 33 anti-aging foods will provide you with the nutrients and minerals your body needs in order to remain robust, energetic, vital and most of all, young. Add these to your diet and you’ll feel the difference fast.

Olive Oil


When studies were carried out by the Seven Countries Study several decades ago, they found out that the reason behind the low rates of cancer and heart disease of those living in Crete were the monounsaturated fats found in olive oil. It’s widely-known that one of the key components of the Mediterranean diet is olive oil.

Since then, many studies have been carried out proving that olive oil is rich in powerful antioxidants called polyphenols that help ward off diseases largely related to aging, such as heart diseases and type-2 diabetes.

Polyphenols also contain potent anti-inflammatory agents, which help control cholesterol levels among other health benefits. Besides cooking with it and adding it to your salad, you can also use it as a natural moisturizer on your skin, as it can help prevent and reduce wrinkles due to its antioxidant content.


Since olive oil has such considerable health benefits, it is understood that its source would do the same. Olives are cute little salty fruits that provide great amounts of polyphenols and other phytonutrients that help protect your DNA and keep you looking and feeling younger. Make sure you eat the ones with the pits since removing the pits reduces the amount of phytonutrients found in each olive.




Fiber is great at overseeing that your digestive system is running smoothly, helps ease constipation and keeps everything flowing smoothly. Fiber also helps moderate your weight, decreasing your chances of obesity. It also controls blood sugar levels and lowers your risk of diabetes.

Vegetables and whole grains provide a wonderful supply of dietary fiber, which also monitors your blood pressure, keeps your cholesterol levels in check, and lowers risks of inflammation.

Steel cut oats are high in soluble fiber, which reduces bad LDL cholesterol. Rich in healthier complex carbohydrates, whole oatmeal is one of the best-known comfort foods that boosts the release of serotonin, a feel-good hormone in the brain.


Yogurt is of course known for its high levels of calcium, which helps protect bones from osteoporosis. Yogurt also has the good type of bacteria, which helps the digestive system do its job, as it should. Yogurt has protein as well, for cell health and support of muscle, which naturally declines with age.

Choose yogurt that is fortified with vitamin D in order to get the most benefit out of the calcium, since vitamin D is needed for calcium absorption.




Turmeric’s yellow pigment curcumin helps prevent telomeres from shortening. These are the end caps of our DNA and when shortened are a leading cause in aging and degenerative diseases. The shorter they get, the more cellular aging takes place, as well as increased risks for heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Cold Water Fish & Seafood

Cold water oily fish such as tuna, wild salmon, mackerel, sardines, anchovies, and trout are great sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids offer key health benefits in aging

One of the best-known choices in fish for its anti-aging effects is cod, which contains selenium that protects the skin from sun damage and skin cancer by decreasing inflammatory compounds that can lead to tumor growth.

Seafood is also a wonderful source of protein, which helps build and sustain your muscles, and boosts your energy levels.

Oysters are rich in zinc, which is largely responsible for protein synthesis as well as the formation of collagen for younger looking skin.

Dark Chocolate

Eating dark chocolate drink will help curb your sweet tooth and is rich in flavonoids, which benefit the body by increasing blood flow to the skin. Flavonoids also absorb UV radiation, which means they protect your skin from the damaging effects of the sun.

They are also one of the best ways to main healthy functioning of blood vessels, which lowers your risk of high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, dementia, and even kidney disease. One or two ounce squares daily are quite enough to avoid weight gain, as chocolate is high in calories.




Studies show that those who eat nuts regularly live an average of 2 ½ years longer than those who do not. Nuts give you heathy unsaturated fats and omega-3s. They also have a vast variety of essential vitamins, fiber, protein, minerals, and phytochemicals, including antioxidants.

A handful of almonds, roughly about 23, contain 34% of your daily nutritional value of vitamin E, which helps with anti-inflammatory process in the body. It also helps bolster the immune system and protects cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. Vitamin E is an antioxidant not made naturally by the body but can only be obtained from food.

Just two or three South American Brazil nuts provides the daily recommended value of selenium, a powerful antioxidant that plays a critical role in DNA synthesis. It also helps protect the body from oxidative damage that accelerates aging and promotes disease and infection. This mineral repairs cell damage and slows down the skin’s aging process, and its concentrations in the body begin to dwindle with age so obtaining it from food is important.

Eating a 1-ounce serving of nuts (one handful) 5 days a week is optimal to get their maximum benefit, you do not want to overdo it, as nuts are high in calories.


Whether you prefer pumpkin, sunflower, or flaxseeds, if you’re including them in your diet, you’re on the right track. Seeds are rich in nutrients, plant proteins, and healthy fats. You can eat them on their own, or as snack bars, in your cereal, or on top of salads or desserts.

Sunflower seeds contain lignin phytoestrogens, which give a boost to your skin’s lipid barrier and prevent the breakdown of collagen, keeping your skin radiant and glowing.

Pumpkin seeds contain high levels of zinc, which helps reduce inflammation inside the body that may accelerate aging. For an afternoon snack, munch on ¼ cup of unshelled pumpkin seeds to get your daily dose of zinc.

Sesame seeds are high in calcium, fiber and iron as well as other key minerals such as magnesium, and phosphorous. Tahini, made from sesame seeds, can be used as a base for a Vinaigrette, or seeds can be sprinkled on salads, fish, chicken or inside sandwiches.


Blueberries are highly nutrient rich fruits that should be enjoyed every day. These delicious low calorie fruits are loaded with antioxidants to fight free radicals that can damage cells in the body and cause wrinkles.

Blueberries contain compounds that help prevent inflammation and oxidative damage, both of which are linked to age-related memory and motor function issues.

A study published by Tufts University reports that the blue color of blueberries results from anthocyanins, which help prevent oxidative stress, one of the key components of unhealthy aging. Anthocyanins also promote the production of dopamine in the brain helping to keep memory function healthy and boost positive mood.

Blueberries have more antioxidants than almost any other fruit. These antioxidants help protect skin cells against harmful UV-related damage from sun exposure, pollution and stress. Vitamin C keeps your skin looking youthful and wrinkle-free.


Here are more benefits of blueberries:

Other Berries



Fresh Raw Garlic

Garlic is known as the triple-threat since it has antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties mainly due to the antioxidant, allicin, which is what gives garlic its potent taste and smell.

It protects the body from several types of cancer, is known to improve blood flow by relaxing blood vessels, may help prevent plaque from building up in the arteries, lower cholesterol, and help regulate blood pressure.

Once it’s been cut, garlic tends to lose its potency within one hour. So the best way to eat it is to take freshly chopped or pressed garlic, wait a few minutes so you get the maximum benefits then eat it, preferably by swallowing it whole, rather than chewing it. Powdered or dried garlic doesn’t have the same effect as fresh garlic does.

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens such as spinach, kale, turnip greens, collard greens, and romaine lettuce, are nutrient dense power vegetables, true gifts from nature.

Kale is truly a nutrition powerhouse!



Kale can do so much for your body, and many of its benefits are directly related to healthier aging:

Romaine lettuce is high in beta-carotene, which turns into vitamin A in the body and supports skin health by increasing new skin cell growth.

Spinach is also packed with antioxidants shown in studies to fight cancer, like beta-carotene, vitamin C, and sulforaphane. Vitamin C also keeps your hair and skin looking shiny and smooth, while minimizing dryness.

Spinach also contains folate, which helps preserve short-term memory. Folate also reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer since it slows down low-grade inflammations caused by the wear and tear of DNA. Spinach also has the ability to destroy dangerous free radicals that wreak havoc on our cells.


Some leafy greens, like collard greens, salad greens, kale and spinach, contain the all-important vitamin K1, which offers numerous benefits:

Caution: Vitamin K1 interferes with blood thinner medications, ask your doctor.


Broccoli is a dark green vegetable that is part of the cruciferous family. While all cruciferous vegetables are highly health promoting, broccoli contains the most isothiocyanates (organosulfur compounds), of all the vegetables in this family.

Other Cruciferous Vegetables:


Swiss Chard

Swiss chard is a great anti-aging vegetable choice providing you with chlorophyll, a nutrient that is believed to block the effects of chemicals that cause cancer. It is very low in calories and nutrient dense, so can be enjoyed liberally every single day.

One cup of Swiss chard gives a day’s worth of vitamin K and beta-carotene for healthy bones, and eyes. The potassium in this dark leafy green helps to lower blood pressure, while magnesium and alpha-lipoic acid promote healthy blood sugar and insulin levels.


Tomatoes get their gorgeous red color from lycopene, a pigment that helps keep your skin smooth and glowing. It also protects the skin from harmful UV radiations and helps prevent wrinkles.

Since lycopene is a powerful antioxidant, it is advised for heart health, strong bones, and possible cancer prevention. Lycopene can help to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood.

The nutrients found in tomatoes are linked to prevention of the sticking together of blood platelets in the arteries, which helps reduce risks for stroke and heart attack.

Cooking tomatoes doubles their lycopene power and maximizes their anti-aging effects.


Other foods that contain lycopene:


Watermelon is a source of lycopene, which protects the skin from UV rays. Packed with lycopene, watermelon acts as a natural protector from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays that damage and ages the skin, and creates sunspots. Watermelon is also packed with water to help hydrate and plump your skin for all natural anti-aging.


This salad favorite is great for skin. Cucumbers have the highest water content of any food.

Cucumbers with an unwaxed peel offer silica to boost collagen production and reduce wrinkles for younger looking skin.

Soy Foods

Soy provides phytoestrogens, which are compounds that behave like estrogen and have been related to a decrease in cardiovascular disease and bone loss. Phytoestrogens mimic estrogen the female hormone that is depleted during menopause, making soy foods a possible option to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for menopausal women suffering from symptoms.

Tofu, as well as other types of soy food, such as edamame and soymilk, is rich in isoflavones, which help keep your skin taut and youthful by preserving collagen in skin cells, and preventing the breakdown of collagen, which happens as we age.


This exotic fruit is packed with vitamin C, which boosts collagen production for smooth, youthful-looking skin. To get your dose of vitamin C, eat 2 cups of guava weekly.

Bell Peppers

Bell peppers have high amounts of vitamin C, a potent antioxidant, which may prevent certain types of cancers and cardiovascular disease.

They go great with everything, on the grill, in your stir-fry and in stews. Even when eaten raw as snacks with dips or in salads, they provide 158% of the daily value of vitamin C, which plays a great role in the healing of wounds, in fighting off infections and bolstering the functioning of the immune system and skin health.


Oranges are also wonderful sources of vitamin C, which helps boost the immune system and builds collagen, which makes your skin more supple and younger-looking.

Blood Oranges

Blood oranges are very delicious and contain anthocyanins, which are antioxidants that combat free-radical damage and UV rays.

Black Currants

Black currant contains a compound called anthocyanosides, which helps protect your eyesight and improves vision. On top of that, black currant contains triple the amount of vitamin C found in oranges, which helps boost your immune system and keep your skin taut and wrinkle-free.


These juicy fruits are rich in manganese, which is essential for activating a certain enzyme called prolidase. This enzyme provides the amino acids needed for the formation of collagen in the skin, providing you with healthy, youthful, radiant skin.


Concord Grapes

Concord grapes are known for their dark purple skin and seeds, which are full of polyphenols, a compound proven to boost your brain power, keeping you sharp and alert.

They also bolster your arteries, reducing the risk of heart disease while increasing blood flow to the brain.

Since these grapes are harvested for a few short weeks during the fall, finding them fresh is very difficult, so opt for drinking 100% pure grape juice instead to get all the benefits of these potent fruits.


Many studies have been carried out on the healing powers of mushrooms.




Beta-carotene is a carotenoid antioxidant that gives orange fruits and vegetables their color, and has powerful anti-cancer and anti-aging properties.

Carrots are excellent sources of beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body and is essential for healthy skin, eye health, and shiny hair.

Sweet Potatoes

As with carrots, this tasty vegetable is chock-full of beta-carotene, which helps restore and regenerate damaged collagen, a major contributor to the elasticity and regeneration of our skin cells, keeping them young and supple.

Beans and Lentils

Beans and lentils are packed with protein-based amino acids to combat age related muscle loss.

Furthermore, these foods are no fat sources of protein, and so they are supportive of heart health and healthy cholesterol.

Pomegranate Seeds

Pomegranate seeds contain ellagic acid and punicalagin, both of which fight damage caused by free radicals in the body. These compounds also help preserve collagen in the skin that helps maintain a youthful appearance.



Wheat Germ

Wheat germ contains zinc, a key mineral for the production of new skin cells. Wheat germ also offers anti-inflammatory properties, and may help reduce acne breakouts and prevent eczema.

A half a cup of wheat germ daily is all you need. It can be sprinkled over steamed vegetables, salads, or added to juicing, yogurt, or smoothies.


This potent reddish spice contains two major carotenoid phytonutrients, crocin, and crocetin, two major antioxidants that have anti-tumor effects.

Saffron is believed to protect from oxidative stress and free radical damage to cells in the body. It also inhibits cancer growth factor signaling pathways, which may help stop cancer cell proliferation.



11 Anti-Aging Drinks

Just as food is important for aging gracefully, what we drink also plays a major role in the health of our cells and organs. Here are some of the best beverages to drink on a regular basis for optimal health and vitality.


We tend to forget to drink enough water, especially in the colder months. Then we start complaining of headaches, digestive problems, not being able to focus, fatigue and exhaustion. These symptoms may simply mean that you are dehydrated.

Make sure you bring a large bottle of water with you wherever you go, it may be tedious at first, but when you get used to it, you’ll be glad you have it with you, as you will feel the difference.

Lemon and Lime Juice

Drinking the juice of one or two lemons or limes per day is enough to get your daily nutritional value of vitamin C. This essential vitamin is crucial for immune system and DNA health as well as younger skin with fewer wrinkles.

Cranberry Juice

Cranberries contain flavonoids that help prevent inflammation. Cranberry juice is known for treating urinary tract infections, preventing tooth decay, and improving blood circulation.



Drinking one cup of caffeinated coffee on a daily basis may lower the risk of skin cancer. It also helps protect against type-2 diabetes, heart rhythm problems, and dementia. In addition, it boosts your energy level and helps keep you focused and alert.


Those who drink generous proportions of cocoa enjoy a healthier functioning of blood vessels thanks to the flavanols found in cocoa and healthy blood vessels lower risk of high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease, and dementia.

In a surprising turn of events, it’s been proven that there is in fact, no connection between chocolate and skin problems. On an even brighter note, some types of cocoa may be considered as food for your skin.

Cocoa contains a type of flavonoid called epicatechin (so do tea and red wine). Epicatechin is vital for keeping your skin healthy since it increases blood flow to the skin, along with a good dose of oxygen supply and nutrients.

Choose quality 100% pure cocoa, not instant cocoa products.

Beet Juice

The nitrates naturally found in beets are essential for boosting blood flow to the brain, thus reducing the risk of dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other diseases.

Nitrates help keep blood vessels strong and resilient, which increases the flow of blood throughout the body. Other vegetables that contain natural nitrates are cabbage and radishes.




Soymilk contains isoflavones, which help sustain collagen in the skin and prevent the breakdown of collagen, which is a natural part of the aging process, thus preventing the skin from sagging and losing its youthful texture.


Starting as early as in our thirties, we start to lose up to 1% of our lean muscle mass on a yearly basis. Since the amino acids found in proteins are what essentially make up our muscles, especially one known as leucine, we need to focus on getting enough of it to maintain our muscle mass, and milk does just that.

Since milk contains whey protein, which is one of the best-known sources of amino acids out there, it’s crucial that we get a lot of it. Other foods that contain leucine are Greek yogurt, lean meat, soy, whey protein powder, and fish.

Your best choice in milk is grass-fed or organic viruses the conventional options because when the milk comes from cows that graze on grass instead of being fed grains by farmers, their milk will have more omega-3s and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which promotes bone mass, reduces body fat, and promotes immune system health.

Orange Juice

It’s a well-known fact that orange juice is brimming with vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that protects the body against numerous diseases and inflammations.

Vitamin C also helps keep your skin looking vibrant and fresh. Always juice your own, or choose 100% pure fresh squeezed and not sugary juice drinks.

Limit your intake, as juice is high in calories, and drink it in the morning so you can take the day to burn off those calories.

Green Tea

Green tea is great for maintaining healthy cells and protecting them against damage and stress. Packed with flavonoids, green tea helps protect against disease and block DNA damage associated with other toxic chemicals that cause destruction in the body.

It also contains theanine, which is an amino acid that helps keep you calm, focused, and less stressed. Several studies have found that pure green tea also promotes weight loss.

Always choose 100% pure green tea and not bottled green tea drinks that may contain sugar and preservatives.


Many studies have been carried out on the health benefits of moderate amounts of red wine since it contains resveratrol, a compound that may help slow down the aging process and prevent heart disease.

In addition, alcohol intake in general and in moderation may protect against diabetes, memory loss linked to aging and heart disease.

Please note that the American Heart Association does not advise anyone to start drinking for heart benefits.



Quick Tips

Here are a few tips on maintaining a good, healthy and balanced diet as you age. While it’s a fact that we can’t stop our bodies from aging, there are ways to slow down the aging process so you enjoy every moment of your life no matter your age.

Caloric Intake

As we age, our metabolism slows down, so we need to reduce the amount of calories we take in in order to avoid age related weight gain.

Reduce Unhealthy Fat Intake

We must reduce the amount of unhealthy, saturated fats in our diet by opting for low-fat milk and yogurt, lean poultry, fish and legumes instead of red meat that is ladled with fat.

On the other hand, eating moderate amounts of monounsaturated fats are good for you, so include these in your diet.

Some of the best sources of monounsaturated fat include

Polyunsaturated fats (Omega-3 fatty acids) are also very healthy fats the body needs to thrive



Boost The Calcium

The risk for osteoporosis increases as the years pile on. Therefore, once we hit 50, we need to increase our calcium intake to 1200 mg daily and assess vitamin D intake.

This can help lower the risk of osteoporosis, as well as low bone mass and the overall deterioration of the bone structure.

Eating low-fat yogurt and drinking calcium-fortified orange juice are two of the best ways to get your calcium intake naturally, vitamin D supplements may also be needed, ask your doctor.

Eat Clean

Reduce or better yet eliminate processed and junk food from your diet. Eat clean, whole food created by nature and you will enjoy much better health. Refined sugar is poison to the body, so it is beneficial to also limit it or rid yourself of it altogether.

How Much Iron Do You Need?

When women are in their childbearing years, they need 18 mg of iron daily. When women reach menopause, that amount drops to less than half, only 8 mg daily, which is the same amount men need.

If you’re taking a multivitamin that has iron in it, check to make sure it doesn’t exceed the recommended dosage. In addition, eat foods that are naturally rich in iron, such as lean meats, beans, beef liver, and leafy greens.


Final Thoughts

We’ve probably heard it too many times to count that eating fruits and vegetables, whole grains, dairy, healthy proteins and fats, while reducing fats, sugar and salt, is key to enjoying a healthy lifestyle and preventing many types of diseases and inflammations.

However, as the years go by, we tend to forget that our bodies are well-oiled machines that need care and love to run smoothly and to stay running longer. Just as you pay close attention to your car, smartphone, kitchen gadgets, and other tools, you need to pay close attention to your body.

The most important things are to frequently drink water throughout the day, eat the right types of food, and exercise on a regular basis.

The body changes as we age, from the way we look to how our insides work. So make sure your body maintains its zing and vitality by eating and drinking right. Your future self will thank you for it.

Stay well and take care!   sponsored ads



Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Medical advice should always be obtained from a qualified medical professional for any health conditions or symptoms associated with them. Every possible effort has been made in preparing and researching this material. We make no warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability of its contents or any omissions.